Category Development


So here's the scenario. A year or two ago we had an SVN server. In house because it was easy enough to set up and the options for hosted services weren't as abundant and cool as they are now. We had all sorts of space to commit anything and everything to SVN and the added benefit of local network speeds when checking out repositories.

Migrating Comments from Drupal 7 to Disqus

Over the past few months we've been busily working away on our brand new, nearly complete Fuse Interactive website, which will use Disqus in place of Drupal's commenting system. Of course, we didn't want to lose any of our existing comments when we made the switch, so we had to export our existing comments from Drupal and import them to our Disqus account. There's gotta be a module, right? There is, or was, or sort of is... The point being that, although it wasn't exactly rocket science, getting the comments from Drupal and into Disqus wasn't as dead simple as I had hoped.

Introducing Seed: Drush-Based Server Management

Here at Fuse we're excited to be taking the wraps off something we've been working on for awhile now, a project called Seed. Seed is a set of Drush commands which allow you to perform actions such as setting up new user accounts, creating MySQL databases and setting up new projects for developers. A little backstory

Hacked! module Drush integration

A client came to us recently and wanted to transfer his site from another company. We needed to apply security updates to the code but we didn't have access to any version control history of the source code. We used the Hacked! module to see if there is any custom code added to Drupal core or contrib modules so that we don't lose any custom changes when we update the site.

Make devel less obtrusive with Devel Catcher

Devel is a module I can't live without these days. In my opinion, it's an invaluable part of building an maintaining Drupal sites. It makes it incredibly easy to peek inside data structures, inspect nodes and gather performance information, such as slow queries. My main problem with devel, however, is that it simply dumps its information on the bottom of a page. To improve the usability of devel, we here at Fuse Interactive, came up with the idea of Devel Catcher.

Relating Nodes with Views

Just today we were struggling with a Views concept that was leaving a couple of us scratching our head -- how do we get a list of nodes that share a taxonomy term with another node? At first I thought this would be easy, just throw in a relationship and we'd be done! Unfortunately this was only partly true, the final solution was a little more complicated and involved a bit of trial and error.

Moving to Hosted Font Services

Over the last couple months at Fuse we have been looking at ways to streamline our process and our products so of course my area of concern is trimming the fat from our theming process. There's a few ways we can do this but one of the major concerns is keeping our file sizes down within the theme. If we look at the majority of our work in the last few years we have already eliminated a lot of bulk by using fewer images for element that contain custom fonts. Generally we have been going with system fonts for large areas of copy and using @font-face to load custom type faces.