Category Development

Digital Derivative: A Glance at Skeuomorphism in Web and App Design

Skeuomorphic. The state of derivatively retaining design elements from an original source. Adding things simply because they were there in the first version. We see it every day: spokes in hubcaps, rivets in jeans, wooden texturing in laminate flooring. In digital design however, skeuomorphism can take on a dark guise, forming artifacts such as the new iCal for Mac OS X 10.7. Thoroughly overwrought and fragrantly anti-digital; companies like Apple are taking digital design and flooding it with an abundance of real-world analogues and metaphors, often to a disadvantage.

Zero-Image Zone: Building Page Elements with CSS3

For the past decade of web design, we've painstakingly crafted images to serve as illustrated background and form to our content. With the advent of CSS3 in all modern browsers, this is rapidly becoming unnecessary. Follow me as we enter the Zero-Image Zone and see how layout can be achieved without any images at all for greater consistency, load speed and ease of testing and editing. Box-Shadow

Arbitrarily Order Your Views – Part 1: DraggableViews

It happens every once in a while that you need to order your nodes arbitrarily. That is, sorted neither "ascending" nor "descending". An example of this might be an employee listing page on a company website. It's likely that the employee listing needs to be sorted by order of importance (for lack of a better term) with the bosses at the top, the interns at the bottom, and everyone else in between.

Multi-step forms using Form API and Ctools

Today we will talk Form API. The API allows to expand your Drupal installation with highly extendable and secure forms. In this particular post I will show how to create a multi-step survey with file upload ability. Form API is part of Drupal's core and there's no need to download it. To make it easier to implement multi-step forms we'll use Chaos tool suite, an additional set of API's made to further streamline developing.

Designing for the web: A short guide for print designers

We love working with print designers. Really, we do. Designers with a strict print design background have ways of changing the way we look at web conventions, and that is always a welcome point of view. Truth be told, we also take a good deal of inspiration from print design magazines and resources. If we love working with print designers so much, what's the purpose of this guide you may wonder. The purpose is to outline some very basic web guidelines that will help the designer translate print based design principles over to the dynamic nature of the web.

Getting the most out of your CSS3 web fonts

With the recent push for HTML5 & CSS3 support amongst the popular browsers, we can be assured that @font-face is here for the long haul. @font-face allows us to push aside the notion that only a handful of "web-safe" fonts are to be used, and instead allows us to use almost any typeface we see fit for a design. I say almost because there are quirks and limitations to be aware of.

Our move to code driven development

We've got Drupal development environments at the push of a button. We've got remote server setups with automated scripts, hourly and daily backups of everything we could need and a swanky dashboard to monitor it all. But still, the holy grail of the Drupal workflow eludes us. The holy grail, in this case being a completely code driven development process.

Creating slides in Drupal

Over the course of last few projects we had to incorporate a content slider in one way or another. This method of highlighting parts of the site's content has become increasingly popular, partly due to being used on popular sites like When it comes to Drupal and slider (or rotator) modules, there's abundance of choice. Today we'll look into Views Slideshow, one a few slider modules that's being actively developed for the current version of Drupal and the upcoming Drupal 7.

Time Sheets in Open Atrium

Fuse recently released Time Tracker for Open Atrium. Time Tracker allows us to track time for cases and with the accompanying feature we can then report on the time entries for projects by group member (or all members), for any time span we wish. This has been an excellent tool and has made Open Atrium a more complete project management system for us.