Category Drupal

Drupal 8: Should you upgrade? Yes! Well…no. Maybe?

It€'s going to happen. We're not exactly sure when, but it is likely (or at least possible!) that Drupal 8 will have a full release in the final quarter of 2014. With any major version update we typically get calls from at least a few panicked clients wondering what they need to do. “do we have to upgrade?”, “will my version continue to be supported?” or “IS MY SITE GOING TO EXPLODE?”

I'm lazy. Here, have some PIE.

I'm a lazy developer. Probably one of the laziest I know. I try not to commit anything to memory that can be looked up with 2 seconds of typing and a click. If I know someone else knows the answer and they're within earshot I'm definitely not going to sit around and try to figure it out myself. That's not to say I won't work hard or can't learn, but it's all about efficiency in the work place for me.

Performing Drupal site audits

Taking over an existing site from a contract developer or company that doesn't primarily build Drupal sites (or even some that do) can often be a daunting task. Often we find our clients assume that all Drupal sites are created equal, and as we're taking it over we can just dive right in and start developing. Unfortunately that's not always the case so we end up doing a site audit. A site audit accomplishes a couple things:

Something's budding at Fuse

A little idea has been germinating in our heads for a while here at Fuse. We've had a small distribution that we've used as the foundation for all of our new client builds that's served us well in the past. It provided a healthy amount of default configuration for every possible site we would be building. Things like common module configurations, developer tools, default path aliases, additional quick links in the shortcut bar, and even a sub theme based on our base theme at the time of adaptive theme.

The cost of Drupal

At Fuse we work exclusively with Drupal. Every project starts with an assessment of what we need to do for a clients site and ultimately how we'll do it with Drupal. We tend to sell our clients and ourselves on the fact that the Drupal framework can do pretty much anything and with the plethora of contributed modules it pretty much can. That is... until it can't.